Jun born in the United States and lived a peaceful life with his parents. He is kind and always wants to serve others.
He is a brilliant kid and has a talent for anything. People love him and always stay around him.
However, even he is a talented person; he felt everything is boring.
He stopped studying and tried to find the things which can interests him.

In his age 18, he has a first love in his high school. Her name is Esther who is a bright kid and enjoys signing.
He hates her for the first time because she always asked him to participate in her vocal group. He thought she is always nosing into what does not concern him. However, as time goes, Jun felt love to her. He participated in her group and brought them many prizes.
Esther asked him to date with her, and they make an appointment on Thursday. He felt this is the happiest moment in his life.

However, on Thursday, November 15, 2018, this memory became the worst memory to him. At 3:00 PM, Jun was waiting in the meeting spot and saw Esther stands on the crosswalk and waits to the light turned to green. After the light changed, she is running towards to him. At this moment, Jun saw the huge truck did not stop and drove to her. Esther was knocked down by a car and badly mangled.
She sent to the hospital but could not wake up. That severe brain damage turned her into a vegetable.

Jun was crying for a month, but he realized that it does not change any situation. He began medical studies to make her back.
In 2024, at age 24, he became a doctor but still cannot find the solution to heal her. He recognized that medication could not make her back. Jun started to find the book about necromancy and sorcery. He tried some revive magic, but it did not work.

One day, he saw a book about summons and see the chapters about death. There is a colossal rune to summon Atropos who is one of the goddesses in Moira’s sister. He drew the rune and summoned her. The first time, he thought he failed it again, but soonly he heard the sound of laughing. Atropos showed her silhouette. He got shocked because she looked more than 100 ft and brought huge scissor. She asked him, why he called her. Jun answered that he wants to revive Esther.

A few moments later, Atropos suggested to him about one thing. She talks about one group called Phantom Casket. This group is lead by an anonymous leader who is called Blank. They are killing people to collect their souls. They are eating those souls to get more strength.
It gave Atropos a hard time because they changed people’s fate and date of death. Also, they want to against God and control all creatures. She suggested Jun to get power from her and stop them. She said Esther only has a year left before die, but if he accepts this request, she will not cut Esther’s lifeline. She also says that she cannot revive Esther because she is not a goddess who can heal people. Jun receives this request and get the powers from her. He became magician who can summon zombies and dead creatures. In the legend, people called him Soul Keeper.